Good afternoon
I just wanted to touch base and let you know a little more about what is going on in store. We have new classes, new fabrics and new buttons and trims. Today I want to focus on classes, but let you know about our sale this month.
Sale, Sale, Sale
We have one of our biggest fabric sales on now in both stores. 100's of bolts reduced by 40-50%, minimum 1/m cut per fabric.
Full priced fabrics - yes this includes new stock and plains - if you finish the bolt, you get 30% of RRP. I know, I am crazy ..!!
Be quick as there are some awesome deals.
For classes I am starting with the most urgent in terms of RSVP's. We need to know by this Friday 21 June if you are joining us. Karyn is busy in show prep mode and wants to have the kits ready before she gets frantic.
Baby Lock Class with Karyn from Baby Lock Australia
Karyn is staying a couple of days after the Sydney Quilt show. She will be running a techniques class in both stores.
Lindfield Tuesday 9 July
Sylvania Wednesday 10 July
Both start at 10am and are expected to finish around 2pm. We are still finalising details, but I have added the booking links above for ease.
You can come and learn about these overlockers and coverstitch machines.
If you own one, you can make samples to put in a folder for later reference, learn about the different feet and stitches.
This class will be tailored to suit those who book and Karyn has already made reference to ensuring the coverstitch side of machines will be addressed.
It's a get chance to learn from the Master or a great chance to do a hands on test drive and get feedback from those who own and love the machines already.
For those of you who caught up with Karyn instore a few weeks ago, we have been unable to fit the "machine cover" project into this timeframe, but Karyn will have a sample to view and these techniques will be those used in it. We can make that later or you at home if you want.
Techniques will include:
Inserting a zipper
Making Piping
Twin Needle rolled hem
Creative Flat Lock
Creative Ladder Stitch
Wave Stitch Flat locking
Blind Hem Pin Tucks
Rolled Hem
Many different feet will be covered, we can give you a list. Please note they are on special now if you need to get some. This doesn't happen often.

Dressmaking Class - Lindfield
Thursday afternoons 4-6pm
High School Students and above welcome. You can sign up for blocks of 2 weeks or 4 weeks. Bring along a project that you are interested in making, or having trouble making, and Kate will guide you through it. If you don't know where to start, we can suggest some patterns. If you just want to learn how to do your basic repairs, that's OK too. Come along.
Lindfield - Term Dressmaking Classes - 4 weeks Commencing 6 June 2024 | my-sewing-supplies (
Book for 2 or 4 weeks here and we can start the date from the next class after you book. If you want specific dates, please reach out.
ByAnnie - A Place for Everything - Sylvania
2 day workshop 27 June and 25 July
There are very limited places remaining in this class with Crystal. This is a repeat class as we had a waitlist from the one earlier in the year. Please contact the Sylvania shop to see if we can get you into this class. Ph 95222340

Lorena Uriarte - Sylvania - 3rd Wednesday and Saturday of the month
There is room in both of these classes for July, and likely for the rest of the year. Come and join the fun.
One Block Wonder / Kaleidoscope Quilt Class - Sylvania
Friday 2 August, Vicky will be teaching you how to make a really effective quilt from one fabric. This can be machine or hand pieced. Let us know which you would prefer when you book.
We have posted some inspiration photos on our social media. Here is a look at the type of quilt you can make.
We do also have a 1 hour class to show how to best design your quilt and select your fabrics.
This will be on Tuesday 2 July. Please contact the store to find out more about that 95222340.
Deborah Louie Applique Techniques Class - Lindfield
There are still a couple of positions left in Deb's 2 day workshop. Saturday 29 June and Sunday 30 June 2024.
Deb is a master in applique and you will learn so much from her about applique, but also how to better use your sewing machine and skills.
School Holiday Tote Class - Both Stores
Sarah will be teaching you how to make a basic tote.
High School students and above welcomed. Primary students please bring a grown up helper. We are keeping these to smaller number classes.
Deborah Louie - "Most Months" Thursday Monthly classes - Sylvania
We have some vacancy in the Thursday monthly classes from August. This is a great chance to upskill with Deb. Applique, Quilting, Bernina machine knowledge and more.
Sylvania - Thursday 29/8 - Deborah Louie - Machine Quilting and Machine | my-sewing-supplies (
Caroline Sharkey - Seascpaes fibre art - Lindfield
Hopefully you've kept reading because we are very lucky to be hosting Caroline Sharkey!!! in Lindfield - Saturday and Sunday 17 and 18 August
Her classes always get rave reviews and she doesn't make it to Sydney very often. Do not delay. There are only a couple of positions left, as this has been filling fast. Don't leave it much longer as she will be here in the blink of an eye.
ByAnnie In Control Caddy - Sylvania
We've just added another ByAnnie class with Crystal. This is a one day workshop for advanced beginners'. As with all Crystal's classes this is filling fast.
Sylvania - ByAnnie Bag 1 day Workshop - In Control Caddy 3/10/24 | my-sewing-supplies (
Well, it's late and I am going to finish up here. See you soon.
Take Care
Bernadette, Ian, Vicky, Crystal and Sarah