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Machine Maintenance and Servicing

Bernadette Hoy

Ok it's time to sit and give some love to your overlocker. This article and video show how to maintain your overlocker at home. I ask that you do this quarterly, at least.

It's important to look after the machines that you spent a lot of money to purchase. Your job at home is to do the basics. The trained service technician knows how to pull the machine apart and care for the circuit boards and the expensive components. We ask that you do not do this at home, as you will void your warranty. Simple maintenance at home and regular servicing will prolong the life of your machine and help prevent some of those pesky problems you get from time to time, usually when an urgent project is due to be finished.

If you have not had your overlocker serviced in a while, it might be due now too. If you sew frequently we recommend every 1-2 years. If you sew less frequently we recommend every 2-5 years. This helps maintain the internal components of your machine. It's the same as having your car serviced.

If you live near a salt water body I recommend you have your machines serviced annually. The salt air is very corrosive.

Common but easy to fix at home problems can often be solved by using a decent quality thread and the correct needles. Not all overlocking threads and needles are the same. Change your needles regularly. Learn how to thread your machine from scratch.

When you buy a machine from us we cover this in your free machine lesson. If you've forgotten double check with us.

Our repair and service man will be back on duty at the end of the month. If you bring your machine up next week or the week after (after the 10th when we reopen), it will go in the fortnightly cycle the week of the 21st.

In the meantime, remember to breathe and Happy Overlocking

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