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Long Arm Edge to Edge Quilting Service

6 hr
Based on quilt size
Princes Highway

Service Description

We have opened up 1 online edge to edge booking per week. The time slot is just to give a booking option. The quilting will not be done on this day but within a fortnight of you bringing the quilt into the shop or the booking date - whichever is the later. The hours again are not reflective of the actual quilting time and are just to allow a booking. To calculate an indicative quilting price please measure your quilt width and length in inches. Then multiply these together and divide by 144. This gives a square foot measurement. eg 46 * 60 = 2760 / 144 = 19.17 sq foot The current price for the edge to edge quilting service is $4.95 per sq foot. The price of the above example would be 19.17 * 4.95 = $94.90 There is a minimum fee of $75 as there is a set loading and unloading process that needs to occur with each quilt.

Contact Details

  • 208 Princes Highway, Sylvania NSW, Australia

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