We will shortly commence an embroider along using the "Words to Quilt By" Pattern by Cherry Blossoms Quilts. It is an in the hoop machine embroidery pattern. The pattern contains the instructions as well as the download code for the designs.
You can make this quilt using traditional machine or hand embroidery. The pattern contains the download codes for the machine embroidery and these can not be removed. This is the only way the pattern can be purchased.
I am testing the pattern now and will add hints, tips and tricks on the blog as I do it. I am also looking at hoop sizes and possibilities for multi hooping for smaller hoop machines. I will let you know what is possible. Currently most letters fit in the Bernina Oval Hoop, but stay tuned.
Here are the specs on it
The Large Oval Embroidery Hoop
Max. embroidery area 145 x 255 mm
If you own a different brand you can compare your hoop sizes.

If you would like to join in the fun here is a look at the quilt and also a link to purchase the pattern

Our first step will be sewing out the letters so if you can not yet decided on your fabric you need to make 2 decisions
1 - Background
2 - Letter fabric and thread colour.
You will also need to get a heavy tearaway ready. Stay with a minimum 2m but you will need more. I would allow between 5 and 10 m for the project.
As a different approach you may like to consider using a firm interfacing and not a heavy tearaway. This can be left in the blocks rather than removed.
You may want to spend this week dong a few test samples to see what you prefer.
Clean and oil your machine.
Put in a new needle so it is nice and sharp.
You are going to use a lot of bobbins so wind a few in advance with bobbinfil. I would say have about 5 ready.
That's it for today. Time to get organised and I will see you Fridays from today. I will post up each Friday morning (at about 8am) so that you have a week to get the sewing done before the next set of instructions.
This week it's time to get the pattern and basic fabrics together. Read through the whole pattern. Download the designs.
See you next Friday
Happy Sewing