Alice in Wonderland
Queen of Hearts
Pale Blue background
When selecting please fill out both fields full metre quantity and part metre quantity.
Half a metre would be 0 full metres and 50cm in the partial metres
2.25 m would be 2 full metres and 25cm in the partial metres
Until you enter data into both fields it will ask you to contact the shop as it is not fully completed. Once both fields have information it will calculate a price.
Should you want metreage larger than you are able to buy on the website please contact either the Lindfield store on (02) 9564 1807 or the Sylvania store on (02) 9522 2340. We will try and assist you. Stock is limited here so that there is stock available in the retail shopfront as well.
Alice in Wonderland Queen of Hearts
100% cotton, approx 110 -112cm wide